The new D100-based RPG by Alephtar Games is here. It proposes a new approach to percentile-based role-playing games, while keeping the unique flavour of the classic D100 engine. In the book you will find: class-less and skill-based character generation; an intuitive percentile resolution method; lethal combat; supernatural powers; and many more of the hallmarks which made D100 games so popular.

This game also features:

  • Native multi-genre support: play fantasy, steampunk, historical, cyberpunk, space opera and more.
  • A new approach to the percentile die that does not require calculations.
  • Distinct roles for characteristics and skills.
  • Streamlined system to run all significant events as extended conflicts.
  • Basic combat based on conflict rules, for when violence is not the main course
  • Optional advanced combat with greater level of detail, for when the clash of steel is important.
  • Basic power list with countless possibilities for customization.
  • Four sample power types: Arcane Magic, Divine Magic, Psionics and Weird Science.
  • Do-it-yourself system for designing weapons and armour, both historical and hi-tech.
  • Rules for character-created gadgetry and potions, as well as enchantments.
  • An introductory scenario, The Quest for El Dorado

You can order Revolution D100 from RPG Meeting

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